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HomeTechnologyPresenting the C++ Programming Language's Inheritance

Presenting the C++ Programming Language’s Inheritance

Programming in C++ is case-sensitive, high-level, general-purpose, and object-oriented. The C language, created in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Laboratories, served as the foundation for the development of C++. The mother of all languages, the C language, has a lasting influence. POP is another name for it (Procedure-Oriented Programming Language). Bjarne Stroustrup created the C++ programming language at Bell Laboratories in 1980. Object-oriented programming language (OOP) is the name given to the C++ language (OOP).

C++ features include:

C++ is a straightforward programming language. It is simple enough for developers who are just starting out. You may enroll in simba institute C++ training in Surat at simba institute if you want to learn and gain more expertise.

Language for Middle-Level Programming:

Low-level and high-level programming languages both utilize it. Middle-level programming languages for system and application development also use it.

Language for Structured Programming: 

C++ is a language for structured programming. Because of this, it is simple to adapt and edit a program’s component parts according to function.


The finest C++ language feature, in our opinion, is the type system. We may communicate directly with the memory by utilizing pointers.


The speed of C++ compilation and execution is quick.

Object Oriented:

A programming language that is object-oriented is C++. When using a procedural programming language, it is simple to create and maintain, but it becomes more difficult as the code expands.


It’s used to make every function’s code reusable. It is an internal function call.

Memory Management: 

Memory management is another excellent feature of the C++ language. Support dynamic memory allocation in C++. Using the free() method, we may assign free memory allocation.

  • Introduce the first C++ programme in the section below. #includeiostream.h> contains functions from the standard input/output library. It offers the cin and cout methods as well, which are used to read input data and write output.
  • Conio.h’s console input/output library function is included via the #include directive.
  • main void () Every C++ programme uses its function as an entry point, and its void keywords state that it has no return value.
  • Data is printed and displayed on the window using the cout command.
  • To ask for a single character, use getch(). 

Inheritance in the C++ Language:

The process through which a new class may take on the traits and behaviors of an existing class is known as inheritance in the C++ programming language. The existing class is referred to as the “Base Class,” while the newly produced class is referred to as the “Derived Class.”

The most crucial idea in object-oriented programming is inheritance. By removing more code from your projects, you can implement code more quickly. The “IS-A” connection is implemented through inheritance.

various inheritances

There are three access specifiers for forms of inheritance: public, protected, and private. We rarely ever use the access specifiers “private” and “protected,” whereas “public” is the default and most frequently used.

In C++, there are 5 different types of inheritance:

  • Single Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Multi-Level Inheritance
  • Hierarchical Inheritance
  • Hybrid Inheritance

Single Inheritance: 

This kind of inheritance is the most basic. One base class and one derived class make up this type.

Several Inheritances:

A single derived class may inherit from two or more base classes when there is multiple inheritance.

Multi-Level Inheritance: 

Multilevel inheritance is the process by which one class is passed down across successive generations by another class.

Multiple Inheritance:

Multiple derived classes can inherit from a single base class using hierarchical inheritance.

Hybrid Inheritance: 

Hybrid Inheritance is the result of combining hierarchical and hybrid inheritance.

Hierarchical Inheritance:

Hierarchical inheritance means multiple derived classes inherit from a single base class.

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